

I found something with this Spring.Net webservice class.
When you define the context object:
  <object id="authServerStub" 
 type="Spring.Web.Services.WebServiceClientFactory, Spring.Services">
    <property name="ServiceUrl" value="http://localhost:81/auth/MembershipWS.asmx?wsdl"/>;
    <property name="ServiceInterface" 
 value="security.web.ISpringMembershipProviderAuthServer, dsecurity"/>
and an interface like this:
    public interface ISpringMembershipProviderAuthServer {
        bool ValidateUser(string name, string password);
when implementing this interface on the server end, you have to make sure that the parameter names match.
normally in c# you dont have to make the names match, only the types, but in this instance i expect that the client proxy generator uses the interface to pass arguements to the server. If you have them named different then you seems to only get null's on the server end.